
Most of the flexibility is left for the user to create and tailor to their specific needs. There are several examples located in examples/ of different ways the optimization package can be used. To run all simply do

julia> include(joinpath(dirname(pathof(SurrogateModelOptim)), "../examples/test_all.jl"))

BlackBoxOptim.jl, PlotlyJS.jl, Distances.jl, LatinHypercubeSampling.jl and Parameters.jl are needed to run all examples. Below is a brief explanation of the examples.

Noisy optimization

Optimization of noisy functions requires no special treatment except that smooth is used in the options. For most functions, even those with small amounts of noise, it is recommended to use smooth=:single.

Categorical optimization

The example shows how it is possible to constrain the optimization to discrete values.

Multi-objective optimization

Multi-objective optimization can be performed by creating a separate surrogate of each objective. The surrogate can then be used with you favourite algorithm, in this example BlackBoxOptim.jl is used. In this example a random point is selected from the pareto front for infill. It would likely be better to add a space filling criteria when adding the infill points.

Discontinuous optimization

This example shows how the performance of the optimization suffers in regions of discontinuity. If possible, reformulate the problem so that it becomes smooth. If that is not possible it is better to use another optimization package, especially if the optimum is expected close to the discontinuity. Note that noise can be handled and is not considered to be a discontinuity.

Constrained optimization

Constrained optimization can be performed by adding an additional penalty after the surrogate model has been created. Note that it is important to add it after the creation to keep the function as smooth as possible. If it is added before the creation, the surrogate accuracy will suffer in the transition area where the penalty was added.

Fast options

Run an example using the options for running the optimisation fast. This is not a recommended settings to use. Use another optimisation package such as Optim.jl or BlackBoxOptim.jl if the function evaluation is fast compared to the surrogate model creation. Can be useful for faster validation of code.